Louceline Fleuridor
Research Scholar
Louceline Fleuridor is a Research Scholar at the OSU/OARDC. She received B.S. in Agriculture Engineering at The (EAP) Panamerican College of Agriculture, Zamorano, Honduras. During undergraduate study, she worked as an intern in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science at Kansas State University as part of a developing research program on greenhouse and landscape ornamentals. In this program, she applied plant growth regulators and evaluated growth parameters on geophytic and bulbous species, particularly amaryllis (Hippeastrum). After her graduation from EAP in January 2014 she worked as a consultant for baseline diagnostic of AVANSE/Haiti funded by USAID. In April that year she visited The Ohio State University, then returned after 6 month to Haiti where she worked as a volunteer at Christianville orphanage. In the spring of 2015, she came back to OSU as a research scholar. Current research in the OARDC Weed Lab focuses on the effectiveness of herbicides and drift simulation of 2,4-D and glyphosate on tomatoes and soybean crops.